Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Babies are good for Christians

This interview with Katharine Jefferts Schori appeared in the New York Times Magazine this past weekend. I read it and then heard someone mention it in a sermon. It’s interesting enough and shameful enough to share a bit.

How many members of the Episcopal Church are there in this country?

About 2.2 million. It used to be larger percentagewise, but Episcopalians tend to be better-educated and tend to reproduce at lower rates than some other denominations. Roman Catholics and Mormons both have theological reasons for producing lots of children.

Episcopalians aren’t interested in replenishing their ranks by having children?

No. It’s probably the opposite. We encourage people to pay attention to the stewardship of the earth and not use more than their portion.

As Jacob pointed out, chances are good that those parents and one child/no child families are leaving a larger carbon footprint than poor families with a ton of kids that don’t have a huge house to heat and drive 2 SUVs.

I also love the connection between better-education and lower birth rates. Smart people don’t have time for babies or see them as a burden on the earth. Even more awful is the insinuation that Episcopalians have no theological reason for welcoming children. Good Lord! What has this church come to! This interview makes me want to have 10 kids and certainly reaffirms our reasoning for the practice of NFP.

And congrats to Jane and Chad on the recent welcome of baby Ella. Jane, you are a champ.

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Adam is one our friends from l'Arche. J and I went over to Nehalem to visit him, Joni, Erin and Marilyn last night. We won't be here for Thanksgiving and wanted to say goodbye before we flew back to Virginia.

On the way out the door Adam ran over and told us that he was going to get a "big piece of pizza" for us. We were a little confusued until Jacque, one of the assistants told us that Adam was starting Special Olympics skiing. The way they were told to slow down is to make a big piece of pizza with their skiis. It was great. We'll take our's with extra cheese.

The other great part of l'Arche right now is how the folks are getting confused about the whole husband/wife bit. Marilyn always refers to Jacob as my wife and yesterday Adam wanted to know where Jacob's husband was. They are so great.

We're excited to go home on Wednesday but even MORE excited about getting more RSVPs from you guys (hint hint)! Please let us know by Dec 1!!!!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

OH NO!!!!

Technology has failed us. Maybe.

Making a long story short, the link I put on our site last week (which had worked when I tested it a few weeks ago) no longer seems to be connecting us to the RSVP page. Instead you have to go through our The Knot Webpage. I have changed the link now but I'm afraid we might have missed a couple.

All that to say, we have gotten a few replies (I think from people who went to the website first) but might have missed yours. We are so sorry! If you aren't listed below, we haven't heard from you.

The Joneses
Uiyeon Kim
Melanie Parker
The Von Lehes
The Leos
The Phillips
The Hanway and Higgs family
The Wilders
Gwyneth Jones
The Kilgores
The Kenneys
Emily Kaasa

Please do try again! For those of you whom we don't hear from, we'll send a reminder postcard on the due date.

You can RSVP by going to the site by emailing me directly at

Again, our apologies!!!!