What we really want out of our wedding reception is for everyone to have fun. Right now we're brainstoriming and would love some input. Since Burke Fire Hall is set up to be a bingo place on the weekends we thought we would just go along and have some bingo called by our band throughout the night.
We're also interested in intergenerational dance participation. To encourage this we've hired the Moonlighters, a DC based Motown/Oldies group. We're hoping young and old alike will get down to James Brown, Stevie Wonder, Aretha, The Four Tops and The Platters. We've also made a special request to hear "When Love Comes to Town" by u2, featuring BB King. Don't be surprised if I get up on stage to exhibit my vocal stylings on that one.
We are also looking for ways to get people talking. We're planning on putting a fact about each person on the backs of your name table place cards. Instead of numbered tables they will be labeled with the names of places important to me and Jacob. I also love something we did at my friend Jane's wedding: if you want to see the bride and groom kiss, you or a group of friends stands and sings a song with "love" in the lyrics.
That's what we've got so far. If you have any ideas or things you've seen get people energized at other weddings, send us a comment. We're pretty much up for anything. Pinatas? Jewish chair dance? Break-dance circle? Bobbing for apples? Let us know what you think would be fun.
just warning you that i, your lovely yougest sister Shannon, have already begun compiling a list of songs that have the word love in them so start stocking up on chapstick and lipgloss!(insert semi-evil cackle)
I'm ALL for a Cereal Bar--though never tested--I believe flying cheerios, Count Chocula airplanes, spinning honeycombs, crunching wheaties, and smooshy lucky charms would do wonders for conversation and bonding...
At the last minute (like the Wednesday beforehand) our band suggested hiring 2 dance instructors. We did it and it was actually great! After the first dances they got people into a circle on the dance floor and gave a quick 10 minute lesson on swing dancing. It definitely helped people who would not normally dance to dance!
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