We finally sent our Save-the-Dates (actually, if you are on Jacob's list, sorry. Yours have not been sent yet as Jake is still gathering addresses). It feels good to have some basic wedding things solidified. We're getting married and having a Virginia reception on January 14th. We are also having a reception in Iowa the Saturday after the wedding for family and friends from the midwest who couldn't make it to Virginia. Please come to one or both!
You can start RSVPing even now by going to our TheKnot wedding website (the tab for this is in the upper right hand corner of this page). You can also wait for more details when we send out our invitations in a few months. Please let us know if you have any problems with it. We're trying to avoid using up anymore paper and postage by doing all our RSVPs online or by phone for those who don't use the computer.
Also, when I was at the postal box I noticed that I put Jacob's address as the return but with my zip code.
I doubt it matters too much, but in case you needed to send us something or want to have a correct address it is
Jacob Florer
1316 SE 35th Ave
Portland, OR 97214
That is the cutest darn picture ever!!
Hey Melissa, I got the invitation. The magnet on the back is a nice touch. January 14th is right in the middle of my exams (or exam, since I only have one), so depending on when they actually put it, I probably won't be able to come. But congratulations!
James Crocker
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